These terms govern all information contained on this Website; all Products offered to you (“you”/ “your”) to purchase Products as provided for on this Website. Kindly read these terms, which set out our rights and responsibilities to you, as well as the conditions of any offer taken up by you on this Website.

These terms may be amended by us from time to time, without notice. You are required to read them before taking up any offer. For any assistance regarding the interpretation of these terms please feel free to contact us on sales@plugandplaytech.co.za.
You are not obliged to access this Website or purchase any Products, but should you choose to do so, you agree to be bound by these terms. Therefore, your access to this Website or usage of any Products / services indicates your acceptance of these terms. All Products offered is subject to PLUG AND PLAY’s standard Terms and Conditions which is available from the Website.

2.1 “ECT Act” means the Electronic Communications and Transaction Act no, 25 of 2002, as amended from time to time;
2.2 “Plug N Play”, a company duly registered in terms of the laws of the Republic of South Africa, having its registration number as 2016/314430/07
2.3 “Weus”/ “our” means Plug N Play Website facilitator and jointly as the context may provide;
2.4 “Website” means https://plugandplaytech.co.za

3.1 We grant you a limited license to access and make personal use of the Website. You are not allowed to modify (other than page caching) the Website or any portion thereof without our prior written consent.

3.2 This license does not permit any resale or commercial use of the Website or its contents; any collection and use of any product listings, descriptions, or prices; any derivative use of the Website or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.

3.3 The Website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without our prior written consent.

3.4 You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of the Website or our affiliates without prior written consent.

3.5 You may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing the name of the Website name or trademarks associated with the Website without our prior written consent. Any unauthorized use allows us to terminate the permission or license granted to you.

3.6 You are granted a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink to the home page of the Website so long as the link does not portray us or any of our affiliates, or the Products in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive matter. You may not use any of the PLUG AND PLAY logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark owned by the Website Facilitator, or Plug N Play or those of their affiliates, as part of the link without prior written permission of the owner of the graphic or trademark.

3.7 The Website may provide links to other websites which may offer services to you. We are not responsible for evaluating the content or offerings made on these websites. We do not endorse or warrant the offerings of any of the businesses or individuals, nor are we responsible for the content of the websites to which links may be provided, or that of any third-party websites, which may be accessed through these linked websites. No liability will be attributed to us for any dealings with any other websites accessed through links provided by the Website and you are solely responsible for assessing the terms and conditions and privacy provisions of any of these websites.

4.1 We reserve the right to monitor the use of our network and resources and to take any action we deem appropriate against a person/s that uses the network or resources in a manner that we deem inappropriate.

4.2 Our network and resources may only be used for lawful purposes and activities. We strictly prohibit any use of our network/resources for any unlawful activities including but not limited to:

4.2.1 Any violation of local and international laws prohibiting child pornography; human trafficking; obscenity; unfair discrimination; hate speech and speech designed to incite violence or hatred or threats to cause bodily harm;
4.2.2 Any activity designed to defame, abuse, stalk, harass or physically threaten any individual including any attempt to link to, post, transmit any inappropriate or defamatory material;

4.2.3 Any violation of intellectual property laws including materials protected by local and international copyright, trademarks and trade secrets. We cannot be held liable for any unlawful use of multimedia content accessed using our network/resources;

4.2.4 Any fraudulent or inappropriate activity whatsoever by you, including dubious financial practices, such as pyramid schemes, the impersonation of another subscriber without their consent, or any attempt to enter into a transaction with us on behalf on another subscriber without their consent;

4.2.5 Any activity that results in the sale, transmission or distribution of pirated or illegal software;

4.2.6 Should we determine that your use of the Website, Products violates any of the acceptable use conditions as set out above, we reserve the right to terminate your account with us with immediate effect and reserve the right to take all lawful remedies permitted by the ECT Act.

5.1 Invitation to do business.

5.1.1 The Products which appear on the Website are displayed as an invitation to do business and to allow you to make an offer to purchase the Products from Plug N Play Only when the Website Facilitator have communicated acceptance of your offer and capability to fulfil the order will an enforceable agreement of sale be transacted. This communication of acceptance from the Website Facilitator can only be communicated to you once we have confirmed stock from our suppliers.
5.1.2 The price of any Products sold on the Website is payable in South African Rand and is inclusive of value added tax.

5.2 Place and time of agreement

5.2.1 Agreement as to the terms of use of the Website shall be deemed to have be accepted by you at the time that you first accessed the Website and thereafter confirmed each time that you access the Website and shall be deemed to have taken place in Johannesburg, Gauteng, Republic of South Africa.
5.2.2 All communications with us facilitated by the Website, via the Website Facilitator, our Support Call Centre or email communicated between us shall be deemed to have been received, in the case of communications initiated by us when the communication leaves the website or email server, and in the case of communications initiated by you, when it is received on the Website or email server.
5.2.3 Agreement and acceptance by us of an order placed by you shall be deemed to have been made and an agreement entered into, when communication of the acceptance leaves the Website or email server.

5.3 Electronic communications

5.3.1 When you visit the Website or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically and you consent to receive communication from us electronically.
5.3.2 You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. Further, that your acceptance of any terms or conditions applicable to the Website and transactions concluded using the Website, as well as your intent to enter into any transaction on the Website may be evidenced by any action by you from which this may reasonably be inferred.

5.4 Applicable law

The Website and all communications and transactions concluded using the Website, are governed by, and you agree to, the application of the laws of the Republic of South Africa. As the website is targeted at South African citizens and residents any limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages which may be applicable under the laws of any other jurisdiction are expressly waived by you, and to the extent that they cannot be waived, you shall not enter into any transactions with us.

5.5 Transaction History
The transaction history may be accessed by you and is provided for information purposes only. This transaction history will show your electronic transactions performed on this Website only and will not reflect refunds, cancellations, or other transactions. For a full and accurate transaction history, email us at sales@plugandplaytech.co.za. and we will provide you with a copy of your statement.

5.6 Cancellations, Refunds and Returns

5.6.1 Defective Products: PLUG AND PLAY offers 1-year implied warranty on the quality of the goods or longer as stipulated by the product, provided that the Products have not been altered contrary to the instructions. If within 1 year from the original date of delivery the Products are found to be defective, PLUG AND PLAY shall assess the Product. You shall also be required to produce the original invoice/ credit card/ debit card slip as proof of purchase. Where the Product is found to be defective, PLUG AND PLAY shall:
5.6.2 Late Delivery: If a Product purchased from PLUG AND PLAY are not delivered within the agreed delivery period, or where no specific period was agreed, within 30 days after having purchased the Product, the ECT Act entitles you to cancel such sale on 7 (seven) days’ notice to PLUG AND PLAY by phoning (013) 742 2050/43. Should the Product purchased be unavailable, PLUG AND PLAY shall notify you and issue a full refund within 30 (thirty) days after such notice.
5.6.3 Non- defective Products- Right to “cool off”: You are then entitled to cancel the sale of the Products in terms of Section 44 of the ECT Act within 7 (seven) days after your receipt of the Products and to obtain a full purchase price refund provided products are still in their original packaging, a handling fee of  10% will be charged to non-defective returns. PLUG AND PLAY can hold you liable for any damage caused to the Products whilst it is in your possession.

5.7 Advertising and Printed Material
Whilst we make every possible effort to ensure that all Product information and pricing in any form of communication material is factually correct at the time of communicating it to the public, we cannot be held responsible if any factual errors occur beyond our control. Some descriptions or photographs may be of a generic nature and not specific to the particular product you wish to buy. However, should you be dissatisfied with the Product you receive for any reason, you are entitled to return the Product to PLUG AND PLAY in accordance with clause 6.6 above. All prices are inclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. All prices exclude delivery costs. E&OE.

5.8 Delivery of the Products

Orders over R2500 deliveries are free.

Orders below R2500 deliveries will be R130 flat rate.

Max weight must be below 20KG.

Remote regions: Please call or email for pricing.

Overnight and Same Day deliveries also available upon request and if items are available in stock: (must be confirmed and paid for before 11am.

Orders collected from the store No charge.

6.1 We know that you care how your personal information may be collected, processed, and used and we appreciate your trust that the Website Facilitator will do so carefully and sensibly. This notice describes the privacy policy applicable to electronic transactions. By visiting the Website, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy and Security statement.

6.2 Information You Give Us: We receive and store information you enter on the Website or in any other manner. Certain of the information provided on registration is mandatory to assist us in ensuring that the communications and transactions entered into with you may be completed effectively and lawfully.

6.3 Automatic Information: The Website receives and stores certain types of information whenever you interact on the Website or communicate with us by email. For example, like many websites, we use “cookies,” and we obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses https://www.plugandplaytech.co.za

6.4 E-mail Communications: To help us make e-mails more useful, we may receive a confirmation when you open e-mail from the Website, if your computer supports such capabilities.

6.5 By providing the information to PLUG AND PLAY via the Website you consent to the Website facilitators collecting, maintaining, storing and processing the information, provided that the Website facilitators shall:
6.5.1 Not disclose your personal information to a third party other than to effect the transactions agreed to in using the Website without obtaining your express consent to do so;
6.5.2 Only disclose your personal information, without your consent, if legally required to do so;
6.5.3 Be entitled to use the information provided by you to compile statistical or aggregated information in such a way that you may not be identified;
6.5.4 The Website facilitator shall own and retain all rights to non-personal statistical information compiled by it.

6.6 Whilst the Website facilitator and its affiliates shall take commercially reasonable care to safeguard the information provided by you on the Website from unauthorized access or disclosure, neither the Website facilitator nor PLUG AND PLAY represent or guarantees that the safeguards will provide absolute protection.

6.7 The Website facilitator shall not be obliged to encrypt any information sent to you, received from you or stored on your behalf or for the purposes agreed in these terms, unless agreed with you to the contrary, in writing.

7.1 Copyright in any information or trademarks displayed anywhere on the PLUG AND PLAY Website are protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. The copyright of these materials is held by the Website facilitator, PLUG AND PLAY or by the original creator of the materials, or by suppliers and service facilitator to the Website or the service providers of Plug N Play None of the materials may be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means other than as described on the Website or with the prior written permission of the Website facilitators or PLUG AND PLAY.

7.2 All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Any unauthorized use of the materials appearing on the website may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws and could result in criminal or civil penalties.